Monday, May 14, 2012

European Overview

Beginning Wednesday, the Rams will depart on a European trip! Every four years, the NCAA allows teams to take an international tour. In past years, Tom Hilbert and the Rams have ventured through Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and the Czech Republic. May 2012 will be the fourth European tour the Rams have taken under Hilbert, as the team will spend nearly two weeks touring Italy and France.

CSU will spend nearly two weeks in Sicily, Rome, Milan
and Paris. Seen above is the 2008 team during its tour.
The benefits of these international tours are twofold: For one, the team gets an extra opportunity to bond and build team chemistry while being together in a foreign country. Secondly, it gives them extra practice. The Rams will be playing at least seven matches in 11 days, allowing them to work on certain situations and drills. Additionally, even though the allotment of spring practices the NCAA allows have been exhausted, CSU has been able to practice for several days leading up to the tour, which will surely play a factor in the fall.

Follow along, as each day a new post (including photos!) will be generated by a CSU student-athlete, highlighting the previous day’s competition and sightseeing. Feel free to add comments and share the blog with your friends!


  1. For the girls that may have not notified their bank that they were traveling over seas, Your bank cards might be rejected. So I know if you use Wells Fargo, you need to call: 00-800-869-35577. Hope you are all good to do some shopping (and play some awesome games) Good Luck. We all wish we could be there with you
